Monday, September 5, 2011

Egg Carton Scavenger Hunt

I recently discovered Pinterest.  For those of you who have not checked this site out, it is a great way to both organize ideas that you get from the web as well as find new ideas.  I highly recommend it! I saw several people posting recently about using old egg cartons for a backyard scavenger hunt and I thought it was a great idea.

First I googled some pictures for common items in our backyard and put them into a chart I could print out and glue onto the top of an old egg carton.

Then the kids had to head out into the backyard and find all the items and place one in each "spot."

I must admit I put the "?" spot on there because I was having trouble coming up with a 12th item, but the kids loved getting to look around the yard and deciding what would go in the last spot! 

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